maxymetric by Kurskontrolle UG

We have been working as Product and Innovation Managers for multiple years in international companies before we founded Kurskontrolle UG in 2021. With our intensive depth of knowledge in Product Management as well as Technology, we decided in 2024 to focus on building a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution to help Product Managers understand customer behavior and obtain valuable customer feedback that matters.

Dr. Simon Lichte
Co-Founder and CEO

Kornelius Dridger
Co-Founder and CTO

We started with B2C mobile apps and transitioned to B2B with our maxymetric SaaS platform. Learn more about the history of our company and our journey.

We founded Kurskontrolle UG in Germany, initially building a customer-facing app for value-oriented stock analysis that received a lot of visibility in the investing community. Our app Kurskontrolle gave our company its name. This app greatly simplifies a complicated analysis and puts the results at the fingertips of its customers in a beautifully designed user interface. We even won a sponsorship by a German accelerator. The app is still loved today by many value-oriented stock pickers.

We entered the AI space with our new app Wonderwrite which takes the role of an experienced social media marketing manager. Using image recognition AI, Wonderwrite automatically recognizes the key elements of a photo. Using generative AI, Wonderwrite then comes up with the perfect caption optimized for social media, allowing our customers to create high-quality posts faster than ever before.

Leveraging our knowledge building B2C products and integrating AI, we embarked on a new journey. In 2024, we launched our modular maxymetric SaaS platform offering solutions for understanding customer behavior and interfacing with your customers. Our vision is to build a powerful SaaS platform that supports Product Managers in organizations of any size to build the best products possible. At the moment, we are offering the two modules maxymetric Funnel for understanding conversion in your app sales funnels, and maxymetric Feedback for obtaining relevant customer feedback using an AI assistant.

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